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Call yourself to be so strong that nothing may interrupt your peace of mind. To talk health, happiness and prosperity to each individual you meet. To make all your acquaintances feel that there's something in them.

The purpose of the accompanying pages will be to analyze the whole nature of man, find all the forces in his possession, whether they be evident or hidden, alive or dormant, and to present techniques through which all those forces may be applied in making the life of every person richer, greater and better. To make each phase of this work as useful as possible to the highest number possible, not one statement will be made that all can't understand, and not one idea will be presented that anybody can't apply to daily life. We all wish to know what we really possess both in the physical, the mental and the spiritual, and we wish to understand how the elements and forces inside us may be applied in the most successful manner.

Its results in practical life that we wish, and we're not true to the race or ourselves till we learn to utilize the powers inside us so effectively, that the greatest results possible inside the possibilities of human nature are assured.