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The 7 Secrets Of Greatness

$ 10 $ 7.99

Defining exactly what greatness is can be tricky. For example, what do Bill Gates, Picasso and Marilyn Monroe have in common? Not much, except that they have left us a unique legacy that has made them household names.

Defining exactly what greatness is can be tricky. For example, what do Bill Gates, Picasso and Marilyn Monroe have in common? Not much, except that they have left us a unique legacy that has made them household names. We could argue that they are icons because they were great at what they did. We could view them as pioneers who swam against the current.

However, there are millions of unsung greats who were not necessarily pioneers or disruptors. These are the great mothers and fathers, the great friends, the great mentors and teachers who left their imprint on their immediate circle. Yet, the world knows nothing about them nor would consider them great. Greatness is a curious cocktail that is hard to define in specific words. And yet, we all recognize greatness when we see it. Perhaps the definition will become clearer if we exclude what greatness is NOT.