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Crap Advertising Methods

$ 10 $ 7.99

I’m going to make this intro short and to the point. Some people want to earn a living online and don’t have a ton of money to spend on advertising their product or service, or for that matter, even an affiliate product.

I’m going to make this intro short and to the point. Some people want to earn a living online and don’t have a ton of money to spend on advertising their product or service, or for that matter, even an affiliate product. It is for those people that this report has been written. These methods are relatively cheap or even free and the best thing, for those who hate to write, you won’t have to churn out a ton of articles to make this work. Very little writing will be required to make this system work. These methods are scoffed at by the “gurus” because they are beneath them. No, they’re not black hat or anything like that. They’re just considered crappy forms of advertising. And for the most part, they are…for one reason. Most people don’t have a CLUE how to use them and use them so incorrectly that it’s almost laughable. Well, I’ve been using these methods of crap advertising for over 5 years and they are responsible for about 33% of my 10K monthly income, or $3,300.

When you see these methods, you will cringe. You’ll want to laugh old loud. You’ll probably even think I am full of crap myself. But I assure you that if you follow my system to the letter you will see results with it.