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Paleo Recipes To Keep You In Shape

$ 10 $ 7.99

Preparing this pancake is simple. This is healthy and does not require much time. All you have to do is beat the eggs until they're frothy and mix the remaining ingredients together. Set the heat to medium and cook on the girdle.

Paleo Pancake Ingredients 6 eggs 1 can coconut milk 2 Teaspoons vanilla 1/2 Tablespoon baking soda 1 Tablespoon honey 2 Teaspoons cinnamon 3/4 Cup coconut flou

Instructions: Preparing this pancake is simple. This is healthy and does not require much time. All you have to do is beat the eggs until they're frothy and mix the remaining ingredients together. Set the heat to medium and cook on the girdle. When you pour the batter, try to keep the cakes small. Paleo Chips Ingredients 1 large, ripe eggplant 2 Eggs 2 cups Instructions: Shred the egg plant in a food processor. Mix it with egg and cheese. Bake (on both sides) the mixture at 450 degrees F in a pre-heated oven for 10 minutes. Loosen and flip the circles. Remove from oven and cut rounds into triangles with a pizza cutter. Allow it cool before being served.