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What Is Reverse Aging? Turning Back The Biological Clock Who doesn’t want to look young? The concern becomes more paramount as we start to advance in age and mature in years. But despite every effort towards advancement, the one thing that we as human beings have not been able to control is time.

First, there are simple biological reasons that cannot be ignored or controlled (more like inevitable). For instance, aging is a natural process that occurs in all the body’s tissues, cells and organs. These cells undergo changes with aging by becoming larger and less adept at dividing and multiplying. Among other things, there is also a growth in fatty substances and pigments that start to collect inside the cells. At the same time many cells also lose their potential to function properly or may start to function unusually. A pretty dismal picture so far, most would think. And then there are factors like outside influences which can be controlled (these are the ones we can work on and will discuss in much detail in this book). If you have lifestyle habits like smoking, enjoy frequent night caps, or like to pop a pill every time you sneeze, you may unconsciously be promoting premature aging.