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Stop Watch Method

$ 10 $ 7.99

What is It All About A new way that people are starting to lose weight is known as the stop watch method. The general rule of thumb with this method is to remember that you typically only have food cravings approximately every eight to fourteen minutes.

What is It All About A new way that people are starting to lose weight is known as the stop watch method. The general rule of thumb with this method is to remember that you typically only have food cravings approximately every eight to fourteen minutes. Based on this fact, you can do a better job of not giving in to cravings. If you can get past your food cravings and choose either a healthy snack or a glass of water over a cookie, then you're on your way to losing weight.

Understanding How Your Body Works and How Cravings Affect You! Understanding how your body works and how cravings affect you will help to shed light on how this particular weight loss method works. Listening to your body and understanding when and why you're hungry will help you to resist temptation and opt for healthier choices. Having something healthy with you at all times is especially important. Since your body does tell you when it's hungry, it is much better to satisfy it with a light and healthy snack. This option will help you feel full, kick start your metabolism, and assist you with resisting temptation. When you've been sitting at work all day and you get hungrier and hungrier, the odds are that you'll want to pitch in and order that pizza or go out to lunch and get a huge hamburger with French fries. The stop watch method can help you avoid this common mistake, and in turn help you to lose weight.