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Mastering The Plan Mechanics

$ 10 $ 7.99

In this explosive guide to Network Marketing, you will learn all about: • The 5 common types of plans out there to equip yourself thoroughly in your network marketing career

In this explosive guide to Network Marketing, you will learn all about: • The 5 common types of plans out there to equip yourself thoroughly in your network marketing career • The common questions that people ask about plans and how to give answers with confidence, especially when challenged by your prospects and downlines • Recognize that marketing plans are not just about arrows and circles or numbers and percentages but rather an integral part in network building • Proper strategic placement for your downlines to help you build a solid and stable network as well as double or triple your income • Win over networkers from other companies to join YOU! My goal is this: I want you to profit as much as possible from the information in this book. And if what I write here can save you time and money (on training), I would have done my job.

Ponder for a moment: If the knowledge here would equip you well enough to close that ONE BIG SALE (or finding your next superstar downline) would you be overjoyed? Similarly, wouldn’t it would be a great shame, if you didn’t know better, and at that time, you lacked the confidence to sponsor that same person due to lack of knowledge? Words cannot describe the feeling of loss if that were to happen to me. Don’t leave home without this knowledge! And the best thing is, if you know all this stuff better than me, then PASS THEM TO YOUR DOWNLINES! You cannot lose! Know Yourself, Know Your ‘Enemy’ This was quoted by a famous war general. How does it apply here? Just as no two people can truly be the same, it is very rare that plans in two different companies can be designed exactly the same arrow by arrow. Let me establish some facts first. If you were given a choice, would you rather sponsor someone who doesn’t know network marketing or someone familiar with network marketing? The reason most people would choose the second option is simple, you don’t need to spend so much time training them and they would bring results well on their own. Now where would I find these types of people? Of course, in other network marketing companies!