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Business Blogging Answered

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Download Your Copy of Business Blogging Answered And Discover The Answers To Building A Blog For Your Business!Inside this special report, you'll discover: Are blogs dead? I ...

Starting an online business? A wise word of caution and advice for you: Don’t overlook blogs and blogging. At one time, blogs were considered the cutting edge of social media, but of late they’ve become almost blasé. After all, everyone’s doing it. Because everyone’s doing it, can blogging really be all that effective? How can one blog make a difference in a vast ocean of blogs on the Internet? Statistics show there are 70 million WordPress blogs worldwide.1 Notice that’s WordPress blogs only, which doesn’t take into account other blog platforms such as Blogger. Seventy million is a lot of blogs!

Such statistics can be discouraging. You may be thinking, “What’s the use? Anything I submit will just get lost among so many others.” If this describes your opinion of blogs, you may be missing an integral component of your online business-building toolkit. I