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100 Beauty Tips

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100 Beauty Tips No more refined foods - One of the best ways to stay as beautiful as ever is to avoid eating refined or highly processed foods. Such types of foods can rub you off important nutrients that are needed by your body, and that could make your skin look dull. Aside from that, they can also get you constipated.

No more refined foods - One of the best ways to stay as beautiful as ever is to avoid eating refined or highly processed foods. Such types of foods can rub you off important nutrients that are needed by your body, and that could make your skin look dull. Aside from that, they can also get you constipated. 2. Raw food is better - Eating raw foods means not overcooking your meals. Such kind of practice will enhance your beauty, since raw foods are still filled with vitamins, enzymes, and other nutrients that can take care of your skin and hair. Aside from that, it has been proven that raw foods can make wrinkles and age spots less obvious.

3. First thing to do in the morning - It is best that when you wake up in the morning, you drink a glass of water, and eat a piece of your favourite fruit, like banana. This would ensure that your skin is properly hydrated, and the fruit would also help in maintaining its radiance. In addition, such a practice can also help you maintain your weight, or lose some.