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So You Wanna Break Up

$ 10 $ 7.99

Relationships can end up either good or bad. When there are many complications between you and your partner during the relationship, there is no point in continuing on together. You may end up with more troubles which are serious or the breakup may get uglier.

Have no desires to see each other. You and your partner text or call each other most of time, even at work, but now it seems annoying sometimes when your partner calls you. Hence, you don’t respond to the calls. You may even try to avoid each other, avoid meeting each other even when both of you are in the same house. You would also prefer to hang out with your own friends and spend time alone.

Lost trust completely in each other or start betraying each other. When suspicion becomes harder on each other, there is no trust between each other. Having little or no trust towards each other can lead to many misunderstandings and conflicts, including cheating on your partner with someone else. Feel less happy than before. Relationship gives you contentment. Love gives you joy. However, if this relationship infuriates you or causes you stress, then it may be time to call it quits. Consider whether this is the right relationship for you and if your partner is the right one for you. If you feel less happy and constantly have negative feelings, it is best to walk away now.