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Million Dollar Membership Sites

$ 9.99 $ 7.99

Discover The Art Of Having Strong Retention Rates For Your Membership Site And Learn How You Can Build A Full Time Income From It! Are You Not Making The Membership I...

Despite the advent of social networks, paid membership websites are not going away. In fact, they are expanding, and more members-only websites are being set up. Membership websites capitalize on the fact that people are willing to pay for information that they find useful, and that by associating and communicating with other people who share the same passions, they add to the general wealth of knowledge to which the Internet plays host.

These websites charge minimal fees, but with membership numbers in the hundreds or thousands, they provide a steady stream of revenue for owners, content generators, and advertisers. These websites have also spawned an entire industry of web developers who seek to create the next big thing in content and payments management.