Getting a Parakeet and wondering if you can train it? Maybe to talk or to fly onto and perch on your arm or finger? Parakeets can be trained. Knowledge of Parakeets likes and dislikes and their comfort in their cages as well as within the household is important. Learn information you may not know about Parakeets to ensure they are happy as you use training techniques so your Parakeet wants to learn to talk or fly to your hand. A trainable Parakeet is a happy welcomed member of your family!
Learn how to take care of your Parakeet properly. What they like to eat and how to tell if they are not feeling well. Learn the signs they are happy and what makes them comfortable and happy in your home. Once a Parakeet is in your home you can begin the training techniques and get results as you work with your Parakeet. Don't get frustrated if it takes awhile to train your Parakeet they have personalities and you will learn as they will as you both interact together in a loving manner.